Breach of contract and remedie




For a good learning of Breach of contract and remedies, it is important to have easy access to the best Breach of contract and remedies at any time. This free application is a dynamic library powered by the best English educational websites specialized in Breach of contract and remedies.Courses on the following topics are obviously present in our application.- Types of Contract Breach: Partial, Material, & Total - Circumstances of Contract Breach: Anticipatory Repudiation & Demand for Assurances - Legal Remedies in Contracts: Definition & Acts - Equitable Remedies in Contracts: Definition & Examples - Remedies for Breach of Contract: Formula for Expectation Damages - Specific Performance and Injunctions: Remedies for Breach of Contract - Contract Breach Remedies: Reliance & Restitution - Non-Recoverable Damages: Damages Due to Breach of Contract - Liquidated Damages: Damages Due to Breach of Contract - Duress and Undue Influence in Contract Enforcement - Contract Enforcement: Misrepresentation & Fraud - Defenses to Contract Enforcement: Mistakes - Defenses to Contract Enforcement: Unconscionability & Statute of Limitations - Discharge of Contracts -Methods of Discharging Contracts: Conditions, Breach & Agreement - Changed Circumstances in Contracts: Possibility, Practicality & Effects - Other Contract Discharge Options: Rescission, Novation & Accord - Contractual Illegality & Public Policy: Definition, Examples & Issues - Statutory Illegality in Contracts: Legislation, Liability & Examples - Valid, Void, Voidable, and Unenforceable Contracts -UCC Sales Contracts -UCC Contract Law: Requirements - Buyer Acceptance Under the Uniform Commercial Code - Buyer Rejection Under the Uniform Commercial Code - Seller s Right to Cure Under the Uniform Commercial Code - Meanings of UCC Contracts - Statute of Frauds Under the UCC: Definition, Exceptions & Examples - Warranties Under the Uniform Commercial Code - Buyer s Remedies Under the Uniform Commercial Code - Seller s Remedies Under the Uniform Commercial Code